Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastBirthdate *Sample : MM/DD/YYYY zip code *Email *PhoneYou must agree to the following terms before you click submit * *I understand that by clicking submit below, I am attesting that the information provided is true and correct to the best of my abilities. *I understand that by clicking submit below, that I am authorizing this broker, Shamsieh Jahangiri NPN: 18708768, to be listed as the broker of record on my Marketplace account. *I understand that by giving this authorization, I consent to have the broker, Shamsieh Jahangiri NPN: 18708768, access my data within my states designated exchange. *I understand that I may revoke access by request at ANY time directly with the Exchange without cause OR by emailing my request to my broker.Signature *Type full legal nameSubmit